Here is the hyperlink to the 2016 VA Disability Compensation Rates
Just a little more than we used to get……
2014 Basic Allowance for Subsistence
2014 _BAH_charts_enlisted WITH_new
2014_BAH_charts_enlisted WITHOUT new
2014 _BAH_charts_officer WITH _new
I have been receiving dues since the newsletter went out last week. THANK YOU for the responses.
We have a few new members in the pipeline and I will post them on our web site soon. Some new faces at the reunion for you to meet and greet.
As of today 8/29 I have 66 people that have made hotel reservations for the reunion. I know some of you have NOT done it yet,
but remember you can reserve your room and cancel it if need be and they will not charge you with at least 1 day notice.
I show 75 people who have sent their forms and paid for the reunion, and I know of some who have NOT done it yet.
I only need a few days notice for the dinners but if you can please confirm with me and the hotel it will make planning a litle bit easier for us
thanks and hope to see you all there in San Diego. We will have FUN and you do not want to miss it !!!!!!!!!!!
We will have a computer and 8 ft projector that will be showing pictures and videos of VP40 and related subjects. This will be for at least 1 hour a day in the ready room.
times to be announced at the reunion.
Also an “open Mike” each day for those who would like to tell a sea story or two.
The web site www.vp40.com is doing quite nice, we are averaging around 40 hits a day now,with an average of 320 pages viewed a day.
I will continue to add content to make it interesting and informative for you to visit it often.
AS i say that I posted a couple of articles today. look under the PICTURES VIDEO and MORE Tab under NEWS ARTICLES .
Articles about the P8A and the PI bases cna be found there.
Guy Fisk
I have been receiving some dues for the 2010-2012 cycle. THANKS
I have also been receiving some questions about the 2012 reunion. If you scroll down in this post
you will find info about the reunion, hotel etc.
ALSO I have received the reunion forms from 22 people with their $$ and dinner selections so far THANKS
remember you MUST make your own hotel reservations. Here is their web site. http://www.holinnbayside.com/map.htm
It looks like we should have a great turnout for the reunion this year. I would like for each member to try and contact
at least 1 other former VP40 member not currently in our group and tell them about us and this web site
and have them join our group. I thank you in advance for this effort.
If you are planning to attend the reunion do not wait to let me know. (the good seats might be taken).
I am planning on sending out a small newsletter in June for those people who do not visit this web site.
Have a great summer and I will see you all in October
Guy Fisk
I have sent out the newsletter in Jan. 2012 and I received 8 back.
If anyone can provide me with updated information on the following people for our records, it would be great.
Richard Sumner, Joe Rodgers, David Brown, Clifford Counter, Bill Cassidy, Tom Hottman, Marvin Weaver, Morgan Randall
The 2012 Reunion is approaching, time seems to speed up the older we get.
It is not to early to make your arrangements to attend. Some people have already signed up with the hotel and with me.
I will be in Florida (golfing) for the next week or so, if anyone wants to contact me my cell number is (828) 423-2106
The 2012 VP40 (seaplane era) reunion will be as follows:
Check in Wednesday October 3,2012 Checkout Sunday October 7,2012
Location: Holiday Inn San Diego Bayside
4875 North Harbor Drive San Diego, CA 92106
Phone: 619-224-3621 – Fax: 619-224-1787
web site http://www.holinnbayside.com/map.htm
room rates $105 +tax/night . We can reserve rooms starting 11/2/2011
I have reserved rooms from Monday Oct 2 until Sunday Oct 7 for that rate, before or after that you are on your own.
Planned activities so far:
Thursday evening Western BBQ poolside
Friday evening Our traditional banquet dinner. The guest speaker is VADM Allen G. Myers, USN Commander, Naval Air Forces
Saturday evening A Filipino buffet dinner of Lumpia, Pancit, and Chicken Adobo.
There will be a performance by a Filipino dance company in their native costumes.(with audience participation)
I will post the details, schedule, and menu’s here soon. In addition I have included the info and the form in the Jan 2012 edition of the newsletter.
I look forward to seeing ya’ll there. Lets try and make this the largest crowd ever.
Guy Fisk