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Posted by on September 13, 2022

I talked to the Ops Officer in VP40 yesterday.

I was hoping  that VP40 could fly a P8a down for our reunion, but they will be on deployment at that time.

damned   it would have been nice to pull that off. Maybe next time. We discussed the possibility of holding the next reunion at Whidbey Island or Seattle. H said try about 1 year out as the officers should be still there at reunion time.

I will try and get another squadron to attend this year.

IF you have not made your hotel reservations the date has passed to ensure our rate. It will be 1st come 1st served now.  Please contact former VP40 people and ask them to attend. We are still far short of our usual turnout. We WILL hold our reunion this year, next time ????????? maybe. OR this might be the end of an ERA.  Join us for a trip down memory lane.

There is an info file on the reunion tab for attendees to use. 


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