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2023 Reunion

Posted by on September 21, 2023

Another successful reunion comes to a close.
We had 30 people attend our 2023 reunion in Nashville, Tn.
Although I must say our drinking has vastly diminished. (which is probably good for us).
The Grand Ole Opry was great as usual.
At our business meeting we voted on hosting our 2024 reunion in Branson, MS.
We had been there a few years ago and it is a great military reunion town.
I have requested an RFP and I will post the findings and dates when it is decided, probably end of Sept or early Oct, 2024.
I hope everyone made it home OK from the reunion and it was decided to continue as long as we have people attend. We had 2 new P3 people sign up for it but unfortunately 1 couple had to cancel due to health problems. Remember we are now accepting ALL VP squadrons and ( active and inactive).
thanks to all attendees and I look forward to seeing you again in Branson in 2024
Guy Fisk

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