I am sorry to annouvar link = document.getElementById('link2736');link.onclick = function(){document.location = link.getAttribute('href');} nce that James Stevens passed away on July 4th, 2014.
Jim was an ATCS while in VP40 from 1965-1969.
His son Mike is sending me some pictures and more info on his father, I will post it on our web site when I receive it.
Folks we are on a downhill slippery slope, meaning that we are losing more former VP40 members than we are gaining.
I make a challenge to each and everyone of you that you recruit 1 new member before our next reunion 10/5/2016.
Please remember that we now welcome ALL VP40 people regardless of when theyvar link = document.getElementById('link2736');link.onclick = function(){document.location = link.getAttribute('href');} were in the squadron.