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July 2014 Newsletter

Posted by on July 18, 2014

I have posted the July 2014 Newsletter to this site. (look under Pictures Video's & More/VP40 NEWvar link = document.getElementById('link2736');link.onclick = function(){document.location = link.getAttribute('href');} SLETTERS TAB.
It is in PDF format.

I have also emailed ALL members that I have a valid email address for.
I got some bounced back, here is the listvar link = document.getElementById('link2736');link.onclick = function(){document.location = link.getAttribute('href');}
Clyde Woempner
Mike Wood
Robert Smith
Glenn McCormac
Bill Landreth
Bob Hook
James Jackson
If anyone can provide updated info on these members please send to me
thank you
I also snailmailed ALL of the members who DONOT have a valid email address in my database.

This will be the last newsletter until after the 15th VP40 reunion.
I will keep posting updates for the reunion on this web site under the REUNIONS/2014 Reunion @ Pensacola FL TAB
see you all there !!!!!!
Guy Fisk

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