I received this the other day from Paul Romano. I have invited Richard's family to attend our reunion.
Subject: Richard F. Romano ATN2 62-63
Good Day Mr. Fisk,
My name is Paul Romano and I am the son of Richard F. Romano. I’m sorry to report that my father died on October 26, 2013 three days shy of his 74th birthday. He was laid to rest in the Florida National Cemetery in Bushnell, FL on November 4, 2013 where he had his military funeral. He is survived by his wife Elise A. Romano, five children and six grandchildren.
I myself am a Navy veteran and served onboard the U.S.S. Mauna Kea AE-22 as a Radioman Third Class, RM3, from 1985-1988. I know my father would have enjoyed attending theVP40 reunion on October 8, 2014. Please keep him in mind on that date and please add him to your TAPS list. If you could send a copy of the newslettervar link = document.getElementById('link2736');link.onclick = function(){document.location = link.getAttribute('href');} with him listed on TAPS I would appreciate it.
If you wish to contact me my address and information is:
Paul Romano
4840 N.E. 6th Street
Ocala, FL 34470
pjromanovar link = document.getElementById('link2736');link.onclick = function(){document.location = link.getAttribute('href');} @cox.net
(352) 425-6682
Thank you Mr. Fisk and I wish you, your family and the rest of the members of VP40 all the best.
Best Regards,
Paul Romano