I have updated our VP40 member roster today. There are some new members and some changes to current members.
It is presented in 3 different formats for you. You can view it/print it on the MEMBERS ONLY page.
login to access it and please logout when you are finished.
I found a web site www.vpnavy.org
They have a VP40 section on it and you can add comments on the page for anyone to read.
I found 80 people from our VP40 seaplane era that are NOT members of our group. I sent them all emails
and so far I have received about 10 back. Some of them will join our group.
Most of the comments are OLD (1998-2000) and their emails have been changes/cancelled/ or ???
I ask if anyone reads this post AND you are from VP40 seaplane era (1946-1967)and want to join our group, please email me at
ggfisk@vp40.com or leave a comment here to this post.
I am sure some of the email comments from that site have been changed and perhaps
you are reading this now.
I posted another death today of 1 of our members. We are now falling into a negative position where we are losing more members than we are gaining new members.
We had been staying pretty much even but as of 2014 we are falling behind. LET US ALL beat the bushes and turn this around.
thank you
Guy Fisk