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Cavite City PI

Posted by on February 19, 2013

Some news  for you all.

We have some members of our group who have planned a trip to Cavite City, PI.

They are departing 2/28/2013 for 1 month. They will be staying in Cavite City and will be taking a LOT of pictures/ videos and writing stories of their experiences.

They will have access to  Sangley Point Base, it is still active for the Phillippine Air Force/Navy.

I will post some of the pictures etc. on this web site. I will generate a slide/video show of their data

as well of what I can gather of the old 50,s/60’s pictures of over there and show it at our next reunion. I will make it available on here as well.

The people traveling are:

Jack Fisher     ADR1  1961-1965

Mike Kane        AK3 1064-1968

Gerorge and his wife Karen Perkins      ADR2 1962-1966

Lets wish them well and I look forward to hearing and reading all about their trip upon their return

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