Thank You for your service to our country. Make sure that you let all of your friends and co-workers know that You are a Veteran — today is your day!
Below you’ll find a History of Veterans Day, Tribute Photos, Nationwide specials for You & more…Enjoy your day!
Throughout history in times of both peace and war, yourselves and millions of other heroic U.S. Military personnel have proudly served our nation, from WWI-II through to the Korean War, Vietnam & the Cold War, to the Gulf War and the current War on Terrorism.
I wish you a wonderful Veterans Day full of tradition, honor & respect.
History of Veterans Day
- 1921 – An unknown World War I American soldier was buried in Arlington National Cemetery. Similar ceremonies occurred earlier in England and France, where an unknown soldier was buried in each nation’s highest place of honor (in England, Westminster Abbey; in France, the Arc de Triomphe).
- These memorial services all took place on November 11, the anniversary of the end of World War I at 11:00 a.m., November 11, 1918 (the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month), which became known as Armistice Day.
- 1926 – Congress invited all Americans to observe Armistice Day, and then officially made it a national holiday in 1938.
- On June 1, 1954, the name was changed to Veterans Day to honor all U.S. Veterans.
- 1968 – New legislation changed the national commemoration of Veterans Day to the fourth Monday in October. However, it soon became apparent that November 11 was a date of historic significance to many Americans so in 1978 Congress returned the observance to its traditional date.
“Veterans Day is a time when all of us who have served can wear our colors and be proud of what we were no matter where or when we were in – or what our job was. Each of us were a part of a whole and were important. The best of all is that we are a part of a select group of people…we are U.S. Veterans!”
Like you, these famous people served in our great United States Military
Aaron Burr Adam West Al Fiedler, Jr. Alan Alda Art Buchwald Arthur Sulzberger Barry Corbin Barry Goldwater Benjamin O. Davis Bernard Shaw Bill Cosby Bill Muncey Billy Mills Bob Dole Bob Keeshan Bob Mathias Bob Watson Brian Dennehy Brian Keith Burgess Meredith Carmen Basilio Caspar Weinberger Charles Lindbergh Charles Robb Charles Walgreen Charlton Heston Christopher Dodd Chuck Hagel Chuck Norris Clark Gable Clint Eastwood Coach Tom Landry Coleman Young Colin Powell Conrad Burns Cornelius Vanderbilt Craig Thomas Dale Bumpers Dan Lauria Daniel Akaka Daniel Boone Daniel Inouye Dave Grossman Dave Thomas Davey Crockett David Dinkins David Robinson Doc Hastings Don Adams Don Nickles Donald Petersen Donald Regan Dr. Seuss Drew Carey Earl Warren Earnest Hemingway Earnest Hollings Ed McMahon Eddie Le Baron Edward Kennedy Elvis Presley Ernest Hemingway F. Scott Fitzgerald Frank Capra Frank Know |
Frank Lautenberg Fred Smith Fred W. Smith G. Gordon Liddy Gene Autry Gene Hackman George C. Scott George C. Wallace George Grune George Gund III George Jones George Peppard George Shultz George Steinbrenner George Westinghouse Gerald Coleman Gil Hodges Glenn Ford Gregory Alan- Williams Harry Truman Harvey Keitel Hayden Fry Henry Cabot Lodge Herb Kohl Howard Cosell Hugh Hefner Hugh O’Brian J. Richard Munro Jack Reed Jack Valenti Jackie Robinson James Baker III James Brady James Carville James Earl Jones James Garfield James Inhofe James Reynolds James Roosevelt Jay Johnstone Jeff Bingaman Jeff Sessions Jesse Brown Jim Lehrer Jim Mora Jim Rogers Jo Jo White Jocelyn Elders John Anderson John Birch John Chaffee John F. Dulles John F. Kennedy John Glenn John Huston John Murtha John Phelan John Warner Johnny Carson Jonothan Winters Joseph Cleland Joseph Wambaugh Judge Wapner Ken Norton Kris Kristofferson Larry Craig Lawrence Rawl Lee Marvin |
Lee Trevino Leon Jaworski Lewis Preston Lou Anne Johnson Louis Bantle Louis L’ Amour MacDonald Carey Malcolm Forbes Mark Shields Michael Enzi Mickey Spillane Mike Anderson Mike Farrell Mike Illitch Montel Williams Morris Udall Oliver Wendall Holmes Pat Roberts Pat Sajak Patty Berg Paul Coverdell Paul Douglas Pernell Roberts Pete Wilson Peter Benchley R. Buckminster Fuller Rene Anselmo Richard Bryan Richard Daley Roaddogg Jesse James Robert Bennett Robert Bork Robert E. Lee Robert Ludlum Robert Lutz Roberto Clemente Rocky Marciano Rod Carew Ron Carey Ron Dellums Shaggy Shaquille O’Neil’s father Shelby Foote Slade Gorton Stephen Peters Steve McQueen Steven Symms Ted Stevens Ted Williams Theodore Black Thomas Sowell Tim Johnson Tom Monoghan Tom Seaver Tony Bennett Vine Deloria Walter Anderson Will Rogers William Buckley William Holden William Manchester William Roth Zackary Taylor |