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VP40 membership

Posted by on September 25, 2013

I am sending out this plea to ALL VP40 members.

We have been able to keep our active roster above board, (more new members than deceased members) for a long while,

BUT as of now 9/2013 we have more members dying  than we have new members joining. I realize that we are getting a bit older,

but we as a group will have to concentrate on recuiting new members or we will cease to exist as a group, and our reunions will be held in the back seat of a minivan.

I am sure that we can all remember a few people who served with us in VP40, just write their names down

and try and find out where they are presently, and recruit them to join our group. The internet is a GREAT way to do this. Also call your former shipmates

and let them help in your search. We are now below 300 active members, so I know there are a lot of shipmates that could join us if they know of our exsistance

and are contacted. If you cannot contact them , please call me (828-654-7812), email me ( or leave a comment on our web site , so that someone can help you in your search.

I thank you in advance for your efforts in this endeavor.

Guy Fisk


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