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strong>This TAB is devoted to information about AGENT ORANGE. It will contain info about  the Veterans Administration and how to file a claim with the VA. It will have info from other members of VP40 and ALL seaplane squadron members who were in Viet Nam during the "conflict". We are striving to have the VA recognize that seaplane sailors ARE eligible for VA benefits from Agent Orange. The other seaplane squadrons and VP40 are combining our resources to make this happen. We are initally trying to contact as many individuals who have filed AO claims with the idea of them sharing information about their claim process, including the process itself; e.g., State the claim filed in, length of time from filing to approval or rejection, and especially the documentation needed to support the claim.  We will also  contact individuals who served in the 4 squadrons during the 1964-1968 Vietnam era requesting that they share any documentation that will help support this effort. If anyone has available squadron documentation by year and squadron that applies to deployments and/or activities with the tenders that would help support a claim please share it with us. information to share please contact me, or leave a comment and I will post it here. For other seaplane squadron members, please contact them or you can do it via this web site.


Guy Fisk

UPDATE 10/14/2023
Here is the link for the 2023 AGENT ORANGE newsletter from the VA’
please read and pass it on to others.

UPDATE 1/1/2020

The VA has started processing "Blue Water Navy" claims. If you have rejected before for not proving "boots on the ground"  FILE again, if you were within the 12 mile shore of Vietnam,

you will be approved AND you will be paid retroactively from the date you first filed. 


UPDATE 11/6/2017

Here is a web site from that gives some bad news for Agent Orange Claims

More delays for  Vietnam Veterans with disabilities.


UPDATE 3/2/2016

There is some activity in the upcoming months by congress but we have heard that before.

Here is a link to the VietNAm Vets web site that has a lot of info on Agent Orange. I belong to that group and we do some amazing things,

an example: we brought the VietNam Moving Wall (yes there is such a thing) to Asheville NC this fall and it something to experience,

I encourage all of you that qualify to join this group and  perhaps someday we will get the benefits we deserve from that war.

Guy Fisk


We have gathered the forms and we had a excellent presentation from Bruce Barth at our 2014 reunion in Pensacola. Here is the latest PDF file on where we are now. 4/15/2015

Agent Orange VA Statement wkgAgent Orange VA Statement wkg
links and info for misc things such as

U.S. Dept of Veterans Affairs

VA agent orange info

Agent Orange Review (a quarterly publication from the VA )

I received my American Legion magazine issue Jan/2014 today and it had a great article on Agent Orange. I have posted it on our web site for all to read. I think it is interesting in that

a lot of Navy folks are facing the same problems that our seaplane squadrons are. Perhaps there is a light at the end of the tunnel after all.

here is the article. It is in PDF format.

AL-1-2014 Agent Orange

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