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2018 Reunion

Posted by on August 8, 2018

The time is almost here for the 2018 Reunion.

I hope to see you all there.

I am still planning on having a P8A flyin on Friday 7/7 for us to tour.

I have an old Navy/FAA friend who has his own winery and he has graciously decided to provide his Wine with our VP40 labels on it.

They should be collector items, so be sure to come and try it.

I have created a Challvar link = document.getElementById('link2736');link.onclick = function(){document.location = link.getAttribute('href');} enge Coin for VP40, They will be for sale at the reunion. These will be a must have for all VP40 people.

I have posted the FINAL Attendee list on the 2018 REUNION tab on this site. 

I have hired a music group to perform for the  Sat night dinner and after. They will also be in the Ready Room Thurs night.

Be sure to bring your "dancin shoes" or Boots

Anyvar link = document.getElementById('link2736');link.onclick = function(){document.location = link.getAttribute('href');} questions contact me

 (828)423-2106 or


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