Hello Guy, Please add me as user PFSMITH
I am Philip Fred Smith. I was an AXAN and AX3 in VP-40 from about June 1966 to Nov or December 67. I made part of the 66 deployment – joined at Sangley in 66 and all of the 67 deployment. I made AX2 and Transferred to HS-10 not long before the end at NORIS.
I made the deployment to Cam Ranh in 66 to Salisbury Sound and in 67 to Currituck. Flew out of NAF Cam Ranh on night of 11 April 67. No seats just a pile of cargo nets on the deck. Was looking for some record of that too but no luck.
Am in process of VA AO IHD claim. I submitted my orders and Travel Claim for the Currituck trip. Along with statement that I went ashore (The VA asked me for that).
I have nothing on the 66 trip.
Last night I located the Currituck Deck Logs for March and April on the National Archive site and downloaded them. they are listed by month and are quite large pdf files (100mb). No mention of boats or people going to shore. just ship arriving 19 March 67 and anchored, daily flight ops by A/C and Pilot – then Ship Departure on 12 April for Hong Kong.
I uploaded pertinent pagevar link = document.getElementById('link2736');link.onclick = function(){document.location = link.getAttribute('href');} s to Ebenefits. I can email thosevar link = document.getElementById('link2736');link.onclick = function(){document.location = link.getAttribute('href');} to you if you like. It’s about 1.5MB.
Not sure but I think they have accepted my Vietnam Service – says no longer needed on my AO Blue water statement request.
I will keep you posted.
Oh, I live in Olongapo. retired Civil Service in 03. I was with NAESU / NATEC for 18 yrs as S3 and SH-60 Avionics rep at NORIS, CUBI and ATSUGI.
Haven’t been back to Sangley since 67
Please add me as user PFSMITH
Philip Smith
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