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VP40 Website Info

Posted by on June 14, 2012

I run some analytics on this website weekly and here is the data as of today.
This data is compiled from ALL people who visit the site.
in the LAST 30 days we have had 1,110 visits, with 3,766 pages viewed,
with an average 8 minutes per visit. 53% are new visitors and 47% are returning vistors

some more data
Internet Explorer 62.3% version 9 – 58.4%
Chrome 10%
Android browser 1%
Windows 84% version 7 – 54.5%
Safari 11%
Mac 6.5%
Linux 3%
Ipad 2%
Ipod/Android/Iphone 2%
Screen Resolution
1920 X 1200 18.84%
1024 X 768 18.26%
1280 X 1024 8.41%
1366 X 768 8.12%
all this tells me that we might be OLD but the mast majority of us do have fairly modern and current hardware and software.
With that in mind I will post more Hi Resolution pictures and videos.
thanks for using the site and each week I am seeing more visits. I will keep it current and add more info when I get it. If anyone has
pictures/video/stories etc. they want to see posted on this site PLEASE send them to me.
Guy Fisk

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